With the parent’s program, the Root Foundations 360-degree approach of the development of our children is complete. This program is closely interconnected with the Personal Development Program and the Education Program. During the personal development Program, parents are approached in order to facilitate a two-dimensional development of the child. Parents input is vitally important to the success of our work as a kind of intermediator. Moreover, during the Education Program, we continue to closely work together with the parents. Hence the Parents Program is the program specifically designed as working intervened with the other programs to facilitate a two-dimensional approach requiring both, the parent´s and our contribution.

The positive results of our work with the children and the feedback we receive from the children and their close environment made us realize that even though they leave the street, attend school regularly, and approach their families, some children suddenly step out again and fall into all habits. According to our research and intensive counseling of children and their parents, we have found out that, mostly, the reason lies at the core psychological parent of any child: the biological parents. A comfortable and sheltering home within a family is key to every children´s life. However, for many of the children, such scenario is far from reality.

Their relationship to their parenthood is disrupted for various reasons, of which one is the missing respect to their parents rooted in the inability of their parents to supply the family with enough food and water. This drives the children on the street and from there in many problems that come along with living on the streets. Children that work on the streets but still live at home, mostly face a very unstable situation which causes them to always search for new solutions. In these situations, the school plays only a minor role.

The Root Foundation seeks the contact with parents and gives advice about their responsibility towards their children. By convincing parents to support our work and to encourage their children, we can work hand in hand on a healthy development of these children. Together we rebuild a steady relationship between parents and their children based on mutual respect.

The Parent Program is characterized by the following core activities:

  • Individual counseling with the parents,

  • Personal advice on nutrition

  • Visits to the children in school,

  • Visits to the children families to track their progress.

Events under the Parent Program:

Regularly, Root Foundation organizes special parent training, on the following topics:

  • Busines Management and planning

  • Health care

  • Elucidation

  • human rights

  • Nutrition planning

  • Support for opening a bank account and finance management