The My Talent Show

The My Talent Show – the highlight of the year. The great event which takes place once a year at Root Foundation was celebrated on 22nd of December in 2017.

Through the whole month the Root Children practiced their performances, their gigs and their shows during the weekly activities. In the final week before the event we shut down our regular program and prepared everything for the great show. All members of Root Foundation helped making decoration, preparing the venue and taking care of all the things that must have had been done. Of course the children kept practicing as well with the team supporting them.

And then the 22nd was finally there. The show was great, big, sparkling and stunning. We have seen dancers, singers, acrobats, models and actors during impressive performances.

The whole Root Foundation Family, the children and the team as well created a great event which brought the year to an incredible ending and celebrated the festive season extraordinarily!

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